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Mobolazer In Action!


Mobolazer Multi-Media Clips - MoboVideo's click link to see the video
(Note: If you don't have DSL but want to see the higher quality, right-click on link and save it to your computer

Get Windows Media Player
r-beam_beam1.jpg (2584 bytes)
R-Beam: 28.8 divider.gif (67 bytes) 56 divider.gif (67 bytes) DSL divider.gif (67 bytes) GIF
rg-beam_gscan.jpg (4760 bytes)
RG-50 w/G-Scan: DSL
4.95mW R-Beam & RG-50 w/G-Scan & ML8-100G: DSL
rbeam.jpg (6316 bytes) rg-beam.jpg (6374 bytes)
ML10-250 Argon: DSL divider.gif (67 bytes) GIF
ml10-250ani.gif (500894 bytes)


Club Tranzend in Huntington Beach: DSL
1- ML8-RG5  4.95mW with G-Scan
1- ML8-G   4.95mW Lil'G-Beam
6- Clay Packy MSR 1200 Watt